12 Mar 2025 ساعت 11:16

Pupi Carlino, Barcelona, Spain


 Dear María Dolores Carlino

 the member of Peace One Day and Hooshmand World Peace Foundatin from  Barcelona, Spain

Because of your Scientific,cultural and social role and your peaceful activities,you are appointed as the ambassador for peace in Hooshmand World Peace Foundation.I hope you will be much more successful in your peaceful activities in the world. Your International ID Card is attached too.

Mohammad Rafia Sadeghi

The founder of Hooshmand World Peace Foundation and the member of Peace One Day





Name: María Dolores Carlino

Date of birth: 13/05/78

Nationality: Italian-argentinian




  • National Fitness Professor
  • Technic in Direction and Management of Sports Institutions
  • Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation populaire et du Sport
  • Higher Technical in Dietetics and Nutrition
  • Fitness competitor
  • English speaker
  • Spanish speaker


-Since 1.995 working as a personal trainer, instructor at fitness room,

and nutrition and sport consultant in different institutions

related to health and esthetics both in Argentina, Spain and France.

Specialized in developing customized training programs and diets,

according to the needs of different clients (slimming, fitness,

toning and specific training, as practiced sport).

Over 10 years of experience in the art of building and shaping bodies.




  • 2.000- 2.008: Personal Trainer in Jockey Club, Tucumán- Argentina


  • 2.008-2.010:  Indoor Cicling, Stretching, Body Balance, Aquagym,
  • GAP (Gluteous, Abs, Legs), Life Guard in Supera Center, Málaga- Spain


  • 2.010-2.011
  • : Personal Trainer in Movida Gym, Toulouse- France




  • 2.012-20.14: Personal Trainer, Indoor Cicling, GAP, Abs, Radikal, Aquagym,
  • Pilates Mat, Fitness Condition, Stretching, Swimming Club, Life Guard,
  • TRX in Metropolitan Club, Barcelona- Spain.


2.014: Nutrition Coach and Training Adviser in New Body

Suplements Store, Barcelona- Spain.


  • 2.014: Nutrition Coach and Mesotherapist in
  • Centro Estétika Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.


Personal Trainer in Fitness Barcelona//By Pupi Carlino, Barcelona, Spain


همکاران - Partners





داوطلبان صلح - peace volunteers

ارتباط با ما












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